About The Blog and Me!

My photo
Orlando, Florida
Hello and thanks for visiting with me! I'm what most people would say would be a "native" of Florida. While not "officially" born here I have lived in Orlando all but a few years of my wonderful life. I love spontaneous adventures, cooking, learning and exploring new things. In my blog I will share many of these experiences with you and hope that you will enjoy them too! As an enthusiast for everything photography I decided to do what I love and love what I do after working in the corporate world for much of my life. My love for travel and people inspired me to take a once hobby and make lemons into lemonade as we would say here in the south. My style of shooting uses natural light, is relaxed and photojournalistic in nature and is meant to portray, in the images captured, the beauty of "Living, Laughing and Loving Life".

Cookin' with Dee!

At a very young age I was a little cook in the kitchen.  I was raised in a family with a Mother, Aunt and Grandma that knew what they were doing in the kitchen to say the least!

Grandma raised 7 boys and girls and knew how to cook a feast of flavors sure to bring smiles to everyone's faces.  Grandma was known for many delicious favorites!  Raised in Florida I would have to visit as a youngster to get the goodies my aunts, uncles, and cousins enjoyed often.  But when I did, I could be sure to expect homemade doughnuts and cookies to my hearts content.  One of my dad's old faves was her fabulous Sunday roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and yes folks.... egg noodles!  One of those dinner menus you'll likely never see anywhere else but will remember forever as a grandma special.

Now my Aunt, although raised in Georgia, lived on the other side of our beautiful country for just about all of her adult life.  In a spice filled place called New Mexico!  I have to believe that this is where my love for all things Mexican began.  The culture, cuisine and majestic mountains all in the middle of a desert.  And they get snow!  I was given my first ever cookbook by my Aunt.  This is where I mastered my childhood "go to" casserole and cookie recipe.  Tune Noodle Casserole and Snickerdoodles!

My mother taught me and tied all of these experiences together by showing me how to cook in the kitchen.  Giving me the tricks and tips to a great southern foodie experience.  Making dinners as a family fun with "Mexican" meal night.  Accompanied with sombrero's and all!  Pulling out the fine china on a Tuesday because it was a special day or a special meal or just because.

I enjoy southern, northern, eastern, western.....italian, spanish, mexican, indian, chinese, japanese, thai, sushi, .....grillin', smokin', roastin', bakin', fryin' and all the spices in between.  Here we'll have some fun and experience new, tried and true recipes and easy party tips together.

You probably have your own family and cooking experiences from growing up.  Lasting memories and  forever moments can be made in your kitchen and I hope the recipes and cooking tips I share will inspire you to create them with your family and friends too!  So let's get Cookin' with Dee!

And remember.....
......."A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." ~ Old New York Proverb

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to order the Noodle roast please !!
