About The Blog and Me!

My photo
Orlando, Florida
Hello and thanks for visiting with me! I'm what most people would say would be a "native" of Florida. While not "officially" born here I have lived in Orlando all but a few years of my wonderful life. I love spontaneous adventures, cooking, learning and exploring new things. In my blog I will share many of these experiences with you and hope that you will enjoy them too! As an enthusiast for everything photography I decided to do what I love and love what I do after working in the corporate world for much of my life. My love for travel and people inspired me to take a once hobby and make lemons into lemonade as we would say here in the south. My style of shooting uses natural light, is relaxed and photojournalistic in nature and is meant to portray, in the images captured, the beauty of "Living, Laughing and Loving Life".

DLD PhotographY

For many years of my life I had been searching for that "perfect" and "one" thing that would consume my heart with love and excitement!  Well, "two" things.  I found my wonderful husband and, if that wasn't enough in itself, I found my passion!  Photography!

I always enjoyed taking photos.  I just never knew how much.  I went to college with a major geared towards fashion.  I graduated and needed a job while I looked for my future "Lifelong Career in the Fashion World".  Dream filled images of a life much like Carrie from Sex in the City filled my head.  You know the one's.  Well the GPS had other ideas for me and the road took a much different turn than was intended.

Nonetheless, I found myself working, with much success and profound reflections, in the corporate business world for 18 years.  Soon after my decision to leave corporate America my first travels, and first travels abroad, took me to the United Kingdom.  The birth country of my husband.

It is here where for 2 months, the world as I knew it, would begin to calm and become clearer for me.  I explored the countryside and traveled from the South Coast of England straight to the very top of Scotland and back again.  Hardly ever letting my trigger finger off the shutter button.

Upon returning from our travels, the floodgates opened and I was ready to explore and learn about my new passion in life!  Everyday is a new adventure, a new learning experience and challenges my mind the way I had hoped my passion would.  I wonder if there will ever be a day that I finally feel I have learned it all.  The good news is, I don't think so, and that excites me to know!

In the end, I guess you could say the road I began on was the road meant for me I just wasn't supposed to get there very quickly.  The art of design, the love of evolving and perfecting that design, combined with the knowledge I have now from over the years tells me I am standing in the place I am supposed to be and not a minute too soon!
The Cotswalds, UK